Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Profits for Nonprofits

The Nonprofit Newswire offered this recent view on an article in the Wall Street Journal, which highlights an idea that should be given more consideration: win-win business partnerships between nonprofits and for profits.

Recent Newswires in North CarolinaAugust 3, 2010; Source: Wall Street Journal For those of you that do not already know, the Wall Street Journal now prints a “Donor of the Day” column that has become a must read for many. Yesterday Suzanne Sunshine was profiled. This author knew Ms Sunshine at LISC where she was the unsung hero in LISC’s program for helping CDCs develop supermarkets in low-income neighborhoods.

Last year, she started a private, for-profit real estate brokerage and consulting firm specializing in nonprofit office space. In an era of much-hyped, short-on-evidence innovations, S. Sunshine & Associates LLC operates on an innovative model. On every deal, she arranges for 10 to 50 percent of her real estate commission to be returned to the client or an associated charity. In her first year of operations, she has made a profit and returned over $100,000 to New York charities. Read more here.